Software tool for acquiring measurements from other cylinder pressure monitoring devices and converting them into Pythia measurements for further and accurate analysis providing also diagnosis.


It is is generally applicable on all types of marine diesel engines i.e. M/E (propulsion) and D/G (Auxiliary units). The system covers both conventional and electronic engines.

Mainly two types of diagnosis systems are currently available:

  • Monitoring Systems.
  • Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems.

Monitoring systems provide only measured data i.e. max. Combustion pressure, compression pressure (not the actual one but the pressure at ignition point) and indicated mean effective pressure if they have a TDC marker or encoder. Furthermore they provide global indications i.e. temperature, pressure from the engine and its subsystems. The information provided from these systems is usually the result only of direct measurement without additional information i.e. diagnosis. Thus they are actually advanced cylinder pressure indicators.

The second category provides results using statistical methods which are based on known engine operating curves. The validity of this approach is problematic due to the amount of data required and the fact that the system is usually applicable only for a specific engine. Such systems provide indications and not the actual cause for a problem of fault.

Pythia system is based on a completely different approach. It can provide all the information that conventional monitoring systems do and in addition valuable diagnostic information for the engine and its subsystems.

Pythia diagnosis philosophy is completely different and is based on thermodynamics and not statistics. All information provided is the result of both measurement and thermodynamic analysis.

The system has been thoroughly checked on the field and in laboratory environment. It has also been extensively tested on the test bench during shop tests where it has been proven to provide accurately the following which are essential for performance analysis:

  • Engine and cylinder power (Type Approved Methodology).
  • Engine and cylinder FOC (Fuel Oil Consumption with Type Approved Methodology).
  • Engine settings i.e. SOI (Start of Injection), EVO (Exhaust Valve Opening), EVC (Exhaust Valve Closure) etc.


We provide three types of online application which are Pythia P Light, Pythia P Online and Pythia P&M Online.

Consists of a server and equipment to capture cylinder pressure from M/E control system. Four measurements per day are acquired, diagnosed, and transferred to office automatically. Additional measurements can be acquired on office or vessel users’ request.

It is a system for continuous monitoring, diagnosis and analysis of M/E and its subsystems performance using cylinder pressure data. It is the result of utilization of knowledge related to marine diesel engine diagnosis. It is based on the “PYTHIA Diagnostic Software” which is generally applicable on all types of marine diesel engines i.e. M/E and D/G. It has been proven to provide accurately the following which are essential for performance analysis:

  • Engine and cylinder power (Type Approved Methodology).
  • Engine and cylinder FOC (Fuel Oil Consumption with Type Approved Methodology).
  • Engine settings i.e. SOI (Start of Injection), EVO (Exhaust Valve Opening), EVC (Exhaust Valve Closure)

This is a full version of online solution which includes all characteristics of Pythia P Online with additional features and abilities:

  • Navigational instruments (ground and water speed, heading and course, wind indication, depth, rudder angle),
  • Flow meters
  • Torque meter
  • Optionally are offered additional modules for drafts indication, domestic tanks level indication, DGs
    power indication, etc.
  • Automated measurements without technical staff interference and obvious benefits.
  • Continuous monitoring and logging of vessel and engine condition.
  • High level of fleet monitoring from main office and reduction of travelling and maintenance cost.

In addition PYTHIA-PM, being based on “PYTHIA Diagnostic Software”, it offers all related benefits such as:

  • Fuel consumption and power output with accuracy (GL Type Approved Methodology).
  • Due to previous it is avoided the use of Torque-Meter and Flow-Meter.
  • Direct determination of an engine fault avoiding the use trial and error techniques reducing repair time and effort.
  • Reduction of FOC (Fuel Oil Consumption) via optimum tuning.
  • Reduction of spare part cost by performing maintenance work which is actually required.
  • Programming of repair work.
  • Significant reduction of service engineer costs since a number of actions can be performed by vessel technical personnel.
  • Detection of a fault before it becomes critical.
  • Indication for Hull/Propeller fouling.
  • Evaluation of repair work quality by comparison of engine state before and after repair (i.e. dry-dock etc).
  • Determination of new engine tuning for optimum performance without major spare part replacement.

The required tuning for an old engine is usually different compared to the one for a new. Pythia technical solutions utilize a minimum amount of data to provide the most important performance parameters required from the management and operation/chartering department of the end user. This extremely important because the utilization of too many data creates problems for long term operation due to the large number of sensors used and the volume of data.


We provide three types of online application which are Pythia P Light, Pythia P Online and Pythia P&M Online.

  • Vessel attendance for on-board measurement.

  • Rental of Pythia hardware.

  • Engine performance analysis (engine condition, tuning, optimal settings determination, e.g. VIT).

  • Shop test and Sea trials evaluation.

  • Estimation of reference vessel performance curves using Pythia data.

  • Performance analysis using data acquired by third party Cylinder Pressure monitor device.

  • Biofuels evaluation on engines.

Technical & Performance support services

  • Hardware support and troubleshooting.

  • Software support and troubleshooting onboard vessel and office.

  • Software upgrade.

  • Monthly performance reports and analysis.

  • Web-meetings.

  • Global Performance Training.

  • Consultation on special issues.

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